MGVCL Recruitment for Security Watchman 51 Posts 2017 (Last Date : 30-09-2017)

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MGVCL Recruitment for Security Watchman 51 Posts 2017

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Name Of Organization : MGVCL

Name Of Posts : Security Watchman

Total No. Of Posts : 51 Posts :

Qualification :

Essential :: SSC passed or equivalent examination of Indian Armed Forces passed.

Preferred : Diploma in Police Science from Raksha Shakti University, Gandhinagar or any Government recognized University.


· Minimum experience of 05 (five) years in Army, Navy, Air force, Paramilitary forces
or Police force.
· Candidates possessing Diploma in Police Science awarded by Raksha Shakti
University, Gandhinagar or any other Government recognized University shall be
considered without requisite or any post qualification experience.

1) Selection parameters:

i. Weight: Between 50 to 65 kg
ii. Eye Sight – 6/6 (with correction)

2) Physical Endurance Test:

A. High Jump – 100 cms
B. Long Jump – 300 cms
C. The candidates should be able to run 1000 meters in 7 minutes.

b) Qualifying Physical standards ( For Female):

Class Height in
1Scheduled Tribes candidates of Gujarat Origin150
2All other candidates (except scheduled Tribes of
Gujarat Origin)

1) Physical parameters:

I. Weight: Between 40 to 65 kg.
II. Eye Sight – 6/6 (with correction)

2) Physical Endurance standards:

I. High Jump – 75 cms
II. Long Jump – 225 cms
III. The candidates should be able to run 1000 meters in 10 minutes.

Age limit: (As on the date 28.08.17):

Category Age Limit
General (UR) Candidates40 Years
SC/ST/SEBC Candidates45 Years
  • 5 years relaxation is given as per “Yuva Swavalamban Scheme” of GoG as per
    the decision taken in this regard by GUVNL (The holding Company of MGVCL).
    · 5 years relaxation is given to Female Candidates.
    · Maximum age relaxation in upper age limit shall be considered as 45
    5. Vacancies:
    Approximately 51 Vacancies. These vacancies are to be filled up considering roster
    requirement as under:
Required to be filled in
Total 31163151
  1. Fees (Non Refundable):
Category Amount
General (UR)/SEBC CandidatesRs. 500 /-
SC/ST CandidatesRs. 250 /-

The applicant has to pay application fees in any of the Branches of State Bank of
or online through Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking.
7. Pay Scale: Rs. 7300-17940.

 mutual fund allows an investor with less money to diversify his holdings for greater safety and to benefit from the expertise of professional fund managers. Mutual funds are generally safer, but less profitable, than stocks, and riskier, but more profitable than bonds or bank accounts, although its profit-risk profile can vary widely, depending on the fund’s investment objective.Most mutual funds are open-end funds, which sells new shares continuously or buys them back from the shareholder (redeems them), dealing directly with the investor (no-load funds) or through broker-dealers, who receive the sales load of a buy or sell order. The purchase price is the net asset value (NAV) at the end of the trading day, which is the total assets of the fund minus its liabilities divided by the number of shares outstanding for that day

Important Dates :

Online Application Start Date : 01-09-2017
Online Application Last Date : 30-09-2017

Download from Below Important Link :

 Notification I Apply Online

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