Air India Air Transport Services Limited Recruitment for Handyman 2017

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Air India Air Transport Services Limited Recruitment 2017

Air India Air Transport Services Limited Recruitment for Handyman 2017 General Knowledge for all competitive Exam Must visit A mutual fund company is an investment company that receives money from investors for the sole purpose to invest in stocks, bonds, and other securities for the benefit of the investors. A mutual fund is the portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities that generate profits for the investor, or shareholder of the mutual fund.

Name Of Organization : Air India Air Transport Services Limited

Name Of Posts : Handyman

Total No. of Posts : 100 Posts

New Job Update Online Application, Call Letter, Answer Keys and more Must Visit A mutual fund allows an investor with less money to diversify his holdings for greater safety and to benefit from the expertise of professional fund managers. Mutual funds are generally safer, but less profitable, than stocks, and riskier, but more profitable than bonds or bank accounts, although its profit-risk profile can vary widely, depending on the fund’s investment objective.

Eligibility criteria : Must have minimum experience of six months at Mumbai Airport in
any of the areas or combination thereof, of Terminal Functions, Ramp Functions like Baggage / Cargo /Loading / Unloading and Aircraft Cabin Cleaning area with any Airline or Ground Handling
Agency. The candidate should hold a valid AEP.

Age Limit :
General : Not above 28 years (born between 02.12.1989 and 01.12.1999)
OBC : Not above 31 years (born between 02.12.1986 and 01.12.1999)
SC/ST : Not above 33 years (born between 02.12.1984 and 01.12.1999)
(Relaxation in age for Ex-servicemen : As per Government guidelines)

Emoluments : Rs. 16,080/- per month

Selection Process : 

(a) Screening
(b) The selection procedure will be on the same day as for the
walk- in date or on the subsequent day(s). The outstation
candidates are advised to make their own arrangement of lodging
and boarding at their own cost, if required.

How to Apply : Applicants meeting with the eligibility criteria mentioned in this advertisement, as on 1ST December 2017, are required to WALK-IN in person, to the venue, on the date and time as specified above along with the Application Form duly filled-in & copies of the testimonials/certificates (as per attached application format with this advertisement) and non-

refundable Application Fee of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) by means of a Demand Draft in favour of “AIR INDIA AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES LTD.”, payable at Mumbai. No fees is to be paid by Ex-servicemen/candidates belonging to SC/ST communities. Please write your Full Name, & Mobile.No. at the reverse side of the Demand Draft.

Walk-in-Interview : 09-12-2017 at 09:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Technology Updates Most mutual funds are open-end funds, which sells new shares continuously or buys them back from the shareholder (redeems them), dealing directly with the investor (no-load funds) or through broker-dealers, who receive the sales load of a buy or sell order.The purchase price is the net asset value (NAV) at the end of the trading day, which is the total assets of the fund minus its liabilities divided by the number of shares outstanding for that

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Updated: December 6, 2017 — 3:04 am © 2025 Frontier Theme
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