TET TAT HTAT and other Exam Organized By SEB Booklet
State Examination Board
‘Evaluation’ has a very important place in different types of training in the present education system. Development of understanding, knowledge, usefulness, skill, etc. are evaluated by examination system.
Establishment of State Examination Boardઃ
In November, 1966, the State Examination Board was established by the Gujarat Education Department to administer examinations at the different Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary level. This Board has been declared ‘Autonomous’ by a notification of the Education Department in 1999. The contribution of the Education Minister is inspiring as a Chairman of the Budget Meeting of this autonomous Board. The Principal Secretary of the Education Department provides important guidance as a Chairman of the working committee of the Board. The Chairman of the State Examination Board plays the role of the member secretary of both the committees. The State Examination Board administers various 24 open examinations. The 13 members of this Board are appointed by the Gujarat Government. Apart from this, administrative committees are formed to be helpful in managing different examinations.
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